Games Workshop
Kill Team Datacards: Death Korps
Kill Team Datacards: Angels of Death | Explore Games Workshop at LionHeart Hobby—Warhammer models, paints, and more in a creative space!
Kill Team Datacards: Angels of Death | Explore Games Workshop at LionHeart Hobby—Warhammer models, paints, and more in a creative space!
Angels of Death kill teams strike with lightning speed and brutal force, obliterating any patrols that dare oppose them with a relentless barrage of explosive bolt rounds and bone-crushing melee strikes. Though their squads are small, a few Space Marines in the right place at the right time can change the course of history.
This pack contains the rules you need to field Angels of Death in your Kill Team games. Inside, you’ll find team rules on convenient reference cards, including team selection rules, operative datacards, faction rules, strategy and firefight ploys, and both faction and universal equipment options.
Contents include 35 cards:
Please note: A copy of the Kill Team: Core Book (sold separately) is required to use this card pack.
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