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Sleepy reflections after a long night in the store...

Sleepy reflections after a long night in the store...

By Danielle Adams on 2nd Apr 2021

Last night we were at the store until almost midnight getting a large order tagged and ready for business this morning. We marveled that we don't have to do that very often, and I think that's a little unusual for a new business like this. It made me reflect on the partnership between me and Rudy.

I knew from my business experience that one should find an assistant/employee/co-worker/partner that has opposite strengths, but I had no idea how powerful that could be until we started LionHeart. Our passion for the product lines we carry contains mutual respect and different areas of expertise. We pick up where the other struggles. We enjoy doing things the other would rather not. We fill in the gaps for each other.

Take this newsletter, for instance.

We work together to bring in new products that we believe will create excitement. Rudy focuses on the modelers and I focus on the gamers. When there's crossover, we make decisions on what to bring in together. We pay attention to our areas and restock those popular items that we think we should continue to carry. Our decisions are intradependent. (I totally made that word up because it describes what we do and it should exist!)

Once we gather all the fun products we've chosen to bring in for the week, Rudy creates this newsletter. I'll let him know what the game department has coming that I think he should highlight but he has creative control over what you see each week. And then I go in and make some formatting edits and write this blog post.

LionHeart Hobby is a true partnership and we have a shared purpose:

  • Support the creators.
  • Champion the gamers.
  • Bolster the community builders.

There is incredible good that comes from a family learning a game together. Or a child who discovers they love building models and wants to become more skilled. Or a burgeoning artist who finds painting techniques that bring life to their miniature. Or a couple turning off the tv at night and connecting over a game made for two. Or a person who desperately needs community finding it.

We are honored every day to be part of your best life.