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  • Games Workshop Codex: Tyranids Games Workshop Codex: Tyranids Games Workshop Codex: Tyranids

    Games Workshop

    Codex: Tyranids

    The Tyranids are an all-consuming alien swarm from beyond the known galaxy. Driven by the vast and ineffable intellect of the Hive Mind, their tendrils drive into fresh systems with every passing hour. These single-minded metapredators cannot be reasoned...

  • Sale
    Games Workshop Age of Sigmar Battletome Fyreslayers

    Games Workshop

    Age of Sigmar Battletome: Fyreslayers

    The Fyreslayers are a culture of duardin whose entire existence revolves around battle, renowned for their short tempers and unrivalled skill with the axe. Many believe these grizzled mercenaries are little more than avaricious barbarians, for they will...

    Originally: $55.00
    Sale Price: $46.75
  • Games Workshop Chaos Space Marines Vanguard Veteran Squad at LionHeart Hobby

    Games Workshop

    Chaos Space Marines Vanguard Veteran Squad

    Deployed as fast-moving rapid-response forces, Space Marine Vanguard Veterans are close-combat specialists. These veterans of the 1st Company take to war propelled by jump packs and armed with the Chapter’s most ancient and revered melee weapons.The 5...

  • Games Workshop Adeptus Mechanicus Serberys Raider

    Games Workshop

    Adeptus Mechanicus: Serberys Raider

    To be promoted from the Skitarii maniples to the Serberys corps is a great honour. They ride swift quadrupedal constructs whose razor-clawed limbs allow them to manoeuvre easily over the most shattered terrain, while their riders are mag-locked in...

  • Games Workshop Blood Bowl Rule Book at LionHeart Hobby

    Games Workshop

    Blood Bowl Rulebook

    Hello again, sports fans! Blood Bowl – the legendary game of fantasy football – returns for a new season of ultra-violent sports mayhem. The plays are bigger, the hits are harder, and every game will be filled with moments to remember.No two matchups are...

  • Sale
    Games Workshop Tau Empire Ethereal

    Games Workshop

    T'au Empire: Ethereal

    The Ethereals are serene and wise – spiritual leaders of the T’au who embody the wisdom and unity of the Greater Good. In times of war, they take to the field in person, fighting with ritual weapons, skimming above the battle aboard hover drones and...

    Originally: $30.00
    Sale Price: $25.50
  • Games Workshop Codex: T'au Empire

    Games Workshop

    Codex: T'au Empire

    The T’au Empire launches its Sixth Sphere Expansion into 10th Edition with a brand new Codex!  Battlesuits reign supreme with the new Retaliation Cadre, while the infantry and Devilfish thrive with Mont’Ka!  New forms of Kroot subspecies join their T’au...

  • Games Workshop Blood Bowl Nurgle Team Card Pack

    Games Workshop

    Blood Bowl: Nurgle Team Card Pack

    Redesigned for the Second Season ruleset, this deck of 44 cards will help you keep track of stats and profiles for your team, positions, and Star Players – plus Special Play cards exclusively for use with Nurgle teams.This set includes:- 1x How to Use...

  • Games Workshop Lumineth Realm Lords Vanari Auralan Sentinels

    Games Workshop

    Lumineth Realm Lords: Vanari Auralan Sentinels

    Master archers, the Auralan Sentinels wield complex aelven bows that can either fire straight and true or loft arrows high in the air to curve down onto distant foes. When their High Sentinel channels power into their arrowheads, they are all the more...

  • Sale
    Games Workshop Necromunda Cawdor Weapons and Upgrades

    Games Workshop

    Necromunda: Cawdor Weapons & Upgrades

    Upgrade your Cawdor fighters with a selection of death-dealing weaponry, allowing you to create a unique and formidable gang. Also included in this set are alternate heads and arms, so you can personalise your gang even further.This 64-piece plastic kit...

    Originally: $25.00
    Sale Price: $21.25
  • Games Workshop Blood Bowl Second Season Edition

    Games Workshop

    Blood Bowl: Second Season Edition

    Hello again, sports fans! Blood Bowl - the legendary game of fantasy football returns for a new season of ultra-violent sports mayhem. The plays are bigger, the hits are harder, and every game will be filled with moments to remember.As the coach of an...

  • Games Workshop Codex: Astra Militarum

    Games Workshop

    Codex: Astra Militarum

    The Astra Militarum is the implacable military arm of the Imperium, and one of the largest forces in the galaxy. On thousands of battlefields scattered throughout the galaxy, the soldiers of the Astra Militarum march to war. They are the Hammer of the...

  • Games Workshop Adeptus Custodes Vertus Praetors

    Games Workshop

    Adeptus Custodes: Vertus Praetors

    Adeptus Custodes: Vertus PraetorsSquads of Vertus Praetors swoop into battle astride powerful Dawneagle jetbikes. Veteran warriors who have seen conflict on a hundred worlds, these Custodians know the true value of speed: not simply to bring the enemy to...

  • Games Workshop Adeptus Custodes Custodian Wardens

    Games Workshop

    Adeptus Custodes Custodian Wardens

    Custodian Wardens are known amongst their comrades as level-headed and endlessly patient watchmen. Upon accepting the robes that mark their station they swear binding oaths to fight as immovable sentinels, a living fortress of auramite and sinew that no...

  • Games Workshop Orks Meganobz

    Games Workshop

    Orks: Meganobz

    The Meganobz are the richest and most battle-hardened Nobz around. Clad in Mek-built mega armour (with enough protective plating to turn the wearer into a walking tank), these Nobz can shrug off the hail of bullets that would kill lesser Orks. This...

  • Games Workshop Ork Warbikers Mob

    Games Workshop

    Orks: Warbikers

    A Warbiker treats his personal steed with real care, because a warbike is not only a thing of great prestige but also a direct conduit to the adrenaline-rich thrill of speed. Nothing short of dive-bombing the foe in a fighta-bomma can compare to the raw...

  • Games Workshop Grey Knights Nemesis Dreadknight at LionHeart Hobby

    Games Workshop

    Grey Knights: Nemesis Dreadknight

    Taller, stronger and more heavily armoured than his brethren, the Nemesis Dreadknight was created to take on the might of Greater Daemons and Daemon Princes and destroy them utterly. The Dreadknight must surely be among the most incredible-looking...

  • Games Workshop Grey Knights Strike Squad at LionHeart Hobby

    Games Workshop

    Grey Knights: Strike Squad

    Strike Squads often form the vanguard of a Grey Knights strike force. Equipped with lighter armour than the main Terminator Squads, these veterans strike swiftly and surely, and are able to slip through gaps in the enemy line. At the onset of battle, a...

  • Games Workshop Tyranids: Genestealers Games Workshop Tyranids: Genestealers Games Workshop Tyranids: Genestealers Games Workshop Tyranids: Genestealers

    Games Workshop

    Tyranids: Genestealers

    Genestealers are peerless predators, swift vanguard organisms armoured in chitinous plates and possessed of terrifying strength and agility. Their broods move far ahead of the Tyranid hive fleets, to seek out fresh feeding grounds and spread their...

  • Games Workshop Harlequin Death Jester

    Games Workshop

    Aeldari: Death Jester

    Embracing the role of Death in its entirety, there is no mercy in the heart of a Death Jester. His outsize shuriken cannon reaps a deadly toll on his enemies as each round, impregnated with virulent biotoxins, causes its victims' metabolisms to...

  • Games Workshop Astra Militarum Tech-Priest Enginseer

    Games Workshop

    Adeptus Mechanicus: Tech-Priest Enginseer

    The vehicles of the Astra Militarum are as tetchy as they are varied; keeping a tank in combat-ready trim in the oppressive 41st Millennium is not an easy task. To this end, the Tech-Priest Enginseers are an invaluable part of any Imperial Guard...

  • Games Workshop Space Marines Primaris Aggressors

    Games Workshop

    Space Marines Primaris Aggressors

    Clad in heavy Gravis armour, Aggressor Squads advance on the foe as walking fortresses of ceramite. More mobile than some other Space Marines, they’re better able to negotiate rough ground, making them versatile troops; while they are often employed in...

  • Games Workshop Blightlord Terminators

    Games Workshop

    Death Guard: Blightlord Terminators

    Blightlord Terminators are relentless and unstoppable, elite Death Guard warriors bound forever to mutated suits of Cataphractii armour. They stalk forward with combi-bolters blazing, mercilessly mowing down rank after rank of the enemy. Plague spewers...

  • Games Workshop Orks Mek Gunz Smasha Gun

    Games Workshop

    Orks: Mek Gun

    One of four deadly Mek Gunz, this clanky field gun has enough dakka to crush even the toughest of targets. Crewed by long-suffering grots the Mek Gunz have heralded the end for many a hapless foe. Based on lifta-droppa technology, this weapon traps...

  • Sale
    Games Workshop Battletome Orruk Warclans

    Games Workshop

    Battletome: Orruk Warclans

    he Orruks are Destruction incarnate. This vicious and primal race of natural-born killers loves nothing more than to wage unending war. Their society is built around conflict, and huge migratory invasions called Waaagh!s erupt from all corners of the...

    Originally: $50.00
    Sale Price: $42.50
  • Games Workshop Space Marines Terminator Assault Squad

    Games Workshop

    Space Marines Terminator Assault Squad

    A Chapter's first company is known as the Veteran Company and contains its bravest and most heroic Space Marines. Invariably the most powerful Company in the Chapter, its warriors are trained to take to the field in the mighty Terminator armour. In...

  • Games Workshop Space Marines Stormhawk Interceptor

    Games Workshop

    Space Marines Stormhawk Interceptor

    An awesome sight, descending at incredible velocities from orbiting warships to engage and annihilate enemy craft, Stormhawk Interceptors are a stunning hymn to aerial superiority that the Space Marines sing with gusto. The frontal armour and huge...

  • Games Workshop Space Marines Primaris Intercessors

    Games Workshop

    Space Marines Primaris Intercessors

    A strong core of reliable and adaptable warriors that can lay down fire while advancing or holding down terrain is an invaluable aid to any tactician. In the case of strike forces bolstered by Primaris battle-brothers, this role is fulfilled by the...

  • Games Workshop Necron Catacomb Command Barge

    Games Workshop

    Necrons: Catacomb Command Barge

    While embarked upon a Command Barge, a Necron Overlord is able to oversee the battle, ensuring that his troops are engaged with appropriate targets and that everything is going to plan. The Command Barge is a striking and imposing model. Adorned with...

  • Games Workshop Codex: Orks

    Games Workshop

    Codex: Orks

    The definitive document for playing Orks in 10th edition arrives in two flavours – regular and the Collectors Edition. Either volume contains the comprehensive rules, background, and painting guides you expect from a Codex, as well as a code to activate...

  • Games Workshop Stormcast Eternals Vindictors Paints Set

    Games Workshop

    Stormcast Eternals Vindictors + Paints Set

    Dauntless warriors of the Redeemer conclaves, the Vindictors are the shieldwall upon which the forces of ruin shatter.This box is the perfect way to start your collection of Stormcast Eternals. You'll get two plastic Vindictors with distinct poses, the...

  • Games Workshop Adepta Sororitas Dice Set Games Workshop Adepta Sororitas Dice Set

    Games Workshop

    Adepta Sororitas Dice Set

    Adepta Sororitas Dice SetPraise the God-Emperor with this set of themed dice. They're sure to draw His gaze as you hunt down the witch, the heretic, and the xenos. This is a set of 16 six-sided dice for games of Warhammer 40,000, themed around the...

  • Games Workshop Combat Patrol Adeptus Mechanicus

    Games Workshop

    Combat Patrol: Adeptus Mechanicus

    The Adeptus Mechanicus march to war as a disturbing fusion of flesh and machine, ruling Tech-Priests and fanatical cyborg followers raising modified voices in binharic praise of the Machine God. Purge Corps Deltic-9 are equipped to scour the...

  • Games Workshop Codex Adeptus Mechanicus

    Games Workshop

    Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus

    The Adeptus Mechanicus are the fanatical worshippers of the Machine God of Mars. For thousands of years the robed priests of the Machine Cult have presided over the fabrication, maintenance, and preservation of Humanity’s surviving technological wonders...

  • Games Workshop Ossiarch Bonereapers Mortek Guard Games Workshop Ossiarch Bonereapers Mortek Guard Games Workshop Ossiarch Bonereapers Mortek Guard Games Workshop Ossiarch Bonereapers Mortek Guard Games Workshop Ossiarch Bonereapers Mortek Guard

    Games Workshop

    Ossiarch Bonereapers Mortek Guard

    The Mortek Guard are soul-constructs created to dominate the battlefield. Armed with life-draining nadirite weapons and shaped from impenetrable osseous armour, they grind the enemy to dust beneath their relentless march.The Mortek Guard can be armed...

  • Games Workshop Chaos Space Marine Raptors at LionHeart Hobby Games Workshop Chaos Space Marine Raptors at LionHeart Hobby Games Workshop Chaos Space Marine Raptors at LionHeart Hobby

    Games Workshop

    Chaos Space Marine Raptors

    The cruel terror troops known as Raptors consider themselves the elite of the Chaos Space Marines warbands. Their murder squads epitomise what has become of the Assault Marines of the Traitor Legions. Chaos Space Marine Raptors miniatures come in a range...

  • Games Workshop Easy To Build Nighthaunt Myrmourn Banshees Games Workshop Easy To Build Nighthaunt Myrmourn Banshees Games Workshop Easy To Build Nighthaunt Myrmourn Banshees Games Workshop Easy To Build Nighthaunt Myrmourn Banshees Games Workshop Easy To Build Nighthaunt Myrmourn Banshees

    Games Workshop

    Easy To Build: Nighthaunt Myrmourn Banshees

    The Myrmourn banshees have a diabolical hunger, for they feast solely upon magic. No enemy spell is safe from the ravenous spirits, and they haunt the Mortal Realms in search of arcane energies to consume. Myrmourn Banshees are drawn to magic as carrion...

  • Games Workshop Tau Empire XV88 Broadside Battlesuit Games Workshop Tau Empire XV88 Broadside Battlesuit Games Workshop Tau Empire XV88 Broadside Battlesuit Games Workshop Tau Empire XV88 Broadside Battlesuit Games Workshop Tau Empire XV88 Broadside Battlesuit

    Games Workshop

    Tau Empire XV88 Broadside Battlesuit

    Designed to offer long-range support, the XV88 Broadside Battlesuit has exceeded expectations, becoming a mainstay of the Hunter Cadres and tank-killers of legendary proportions. Powered by a particle accelerator, a Broadside's heavy rail rifle shot...

  • Games Workshop Death Guard Myphitic Blight Hauler Games Workshop Death Guard Myphitic Blight Hauler Games Workshop Death Guard Myphitic Blight Hauler Games Workshop Death Guard Myphitic Blight Hauler Games Workshop Death Guard Myphitic Blight Hauler

    Games Workshop

    Death Guard Myphitic Blight Hauler

    Powering into battle on a trio of articulated track units, the Myphitic Blight-hauler is a light Daemon Engine that provides the Death Guard with heavy firepower wherever it is needed. Resembling a Bloat-drone that has been stripped of its turbines, this...

  • Games Workshop Tau Empire XV25 Stealth Battlesuits Games Workshop Tau Empire XV25 Stealth Battlesuits Games Workshop Tau Empire XV25 Stealth Battlesuits Games Workshop Tau Empire XV25 Stealth Battlesuits Games Workshop Tau Empire XV25 Stealth Battlesuits

    Games Workshop

    Tau Empire XV25 Stealth Battlesuits

    Equipped with the latest XV25 Stealth Armour these troops are the 'lone wolves' of the T'au army, operating independently of other formations. This boxed set contains 3 multi-part plastic XV25 Stealth Suits and a markerlight drone.

  • Games Workshop Thousand Sons Rubric Marines Games Workshop Thousand Sons Rubric Marines Games Workshop Thousand Sons Rubric Marines Games Workshop Thousand Sons Rubric Marines Games Workshop Thousand Sons Rubric Marines

    Games Workshop

    Thousand Sons Rubric Marines

    Stepping out from the fog of war come the Rubricae. Many of these undying warriors were psykers in their own right, before an ancient curse damned them to an eternity as living husks their baroque power armour now contains nothing but sparkling dust. In...

  • Games Workshop Space Marines Primaris Eliminators Games Workshop Space Marines Primaris Eliminators Games Workshop Space Marines Primaris Eliminators Games Workshop Space Marines Primaris Eliminators Games Workshop Space Marines Primaris Eliminators

    Games Workshop

    Space Marines Primaris Eliminators

    Dedicated marksmen, Eliminators haunt the shadows of the battlefield, seeking out targets of opportunity and bringing them down with pinpoint volleys of fire. Then, these silent assassins slip away looking for their next prey. Each model in this squad...

  • Games Workshop Ork Boyz Games Workshop Ork Boyz Games Workshop Ork Boyz Games Workshop Ork Boyz Games Workshop Ork Boyz

    Games Workshop

    Ork Boyz

    Boyz are the rank and file of an Ork army. Orks are tough, determined fighters who fall upon the enemy in great tides of howling violence. Generally armed with the heavy, solid-shot, slugga and brutal, edged choppas, they blow great gouges from the enemy...

  • Games Workshop Getting Started with Warhammer 40,000 Games Workshop Getting Started with Warhammer 40,000 Games Workshop Getting Started with Warhammer 40,000 Games Workshop Getting Started with Warhammer 40,000

    Games Workshop

    Getting Started with Warhammer 40,000

    Warhammer 40,000 is a fast-paced and explosive tabletop wargame. Will you choose to play as the mighty Space Marines, the all-consuming alien Tyranids, or one of the many other unique factions of warriors, aliens, machines, and monsters? Amidst the...

  • Games Workshop Codex: Space Marines Games Workshop Codex: Space Marines Games Workshop Codex: Space Marines

    Games Workshop

    Codex: Space Marines

    Space Marines are genetically augmented warriors, created as Humanity’s ultimate shock troops. Formally known as the Adeptus Astartes, the Space Marines have defended the Imperium for over ten thousand years. They go to war armed and armoured with the...

  • Games Workshop Codex Necrons at LionHeart Hobby Games Workshop Codex Necrons at LionHeart Hobby Games Workshop Codex Necrons at LionHeart Hobby Games Workshop Codex Necrons at LionHeart Hobby

    Games Workshop

    Codex: Necrons

    The Necrons are a deathless species of The Necrons are a deathless species of alien androids who dominated the galaxy in ages past. After millions of years in self-imposed slumber, they are rising from their hidden tomb complexes to march in conquest...

  • Sale
    Games Workshop Datacards Drukhari Games Workshop Datacards Drukhari Games Workshop Datacards Drukhari

    Games Workshop

    Datacards: Drukhari

    Datacards make referencing your rules in battle easy. Containing quick-reference Stratagems, they allow you to dictate the battle with the skill and acuity of Vect himself – or, at the very least, ensure you don't forget to use that crucial Stratagem...

    Originally: $25.00
    Sale Price: $21.25
  • Games Workshop Tau Empire Commander at LionHeart Hobby Games Workshop Tau Empire Commander at LionHeart Hobby Games Workshop Tau Empire Commander at LionHeart Hobby Games Workshop Tau Empire Commander at LionHeart Hobby Games Workshop Tau Empire Commander at LionHeart Hobby

    Games Workshop

    T'au Empire Commander

    Swift and deadly, T'au Commanders pilot battlesuits of intimidating size and power. Of course, simply piloting a huge battlesuit doesn't automatically make a troop into a Commander - more than anything, it's the strategic nous and ability to adapt to...
